✦TAFE SA: Supporting and Mentoring New Workers (2nd course)

Multicultural Aged Care is thrilled to be in partnership with TAFE SA, to facilitate the delivery of training courses.

TAFE SA is pleased to announce the “Supporting & Mentoring New Workers” training course, funded by the Department of Health and Ageing. A nationally recognised unit of competency, professional health development.

There will be 4 x 3 hour sessions, all to be held at Multicultural Aged Care, 94 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA.

Participants to this training must be employed in a government funded organisation, and be responsible for direct care. E.G. RN / EN / Care Worker.

Training will start Thursday, 10 April, 2014, and places are strictly limited. For a flyer with full details and a registration form, please see the following attachments:
TF: Supporting & Mentoring New Workers
TR: Supporting & Mentoring Registration

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